Episode 25 - A story from the community and the nugget of the week: habits

Today I’ve got a mini episode for you. For some of you newer listeners, that means we’ll be hearing from a member of this podcast community about their life design journey and I’ll also be sharing a useful wisdom nugget that will hopefully help you guys along your path.

Community Story:

For our community story I'm talking with Sydney Smith.  Sydney is a regular listener to this show and after growing disenfranchised busting her ass for someone else at a start up in Denver, she decided to give things a try on her own. She started an online photography gallery called Axe and Hammer, and supported herself financially by baby sitting until she could grow her business to something more sustainable. After she built some confidence as an entrepreneur, Sydney went full out after discovering she wanted to do more with her experience in design, so she started a web design business taking on free lancing clients and she hasn’t looked back since. That’s not to say she hasn’t faced some challenges along the way. We’ll hear about her philosophy for confronting those challenges and some tips on how you can confront some challenges. 


Now for the wisdom nugget - here’s the deal. If you're listening to this podcast, I’m going to go out on a limb and make the assumption that being a next level human is your jam. Am I right? Fuck yeah I’m right. 

Well the thing about being next level is that it doesn’t just happen. You don’t just set some ambitious goal and then sit around and wait for it to happen. As an old zen saying goes, "if you want to cross a lake, you don’t get there by simply staring at the other side.” It takes work right. It’s a process. You have to build a boat, or a bridge, or learn to swim a hell of a long way. Either way, You have to put a system in place and chip away at it every day to achieve that goal, or else let’s face it - it just won’t happen. 

If you want to hear more about how building habits, systems, and processes is way better than setting goals and how making that distinction can change your life immediately, stay tuned and I’ll dig in to the details after the community chat.


Axe and Hammer

Sydney Smith Creative

Atomic Habits by James Clear

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard